Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reflecting on my writing

I have been learning how to write a character description. This term I have written a piece about Little Red Riding Hood, and another piece about The Big Bad Wolf. I have been using a guide of the features I need to include, and have also focused on varying my sentence beginnings; writing more ‘saturated’ descriptions; and adding extra details as I revise my writing.

I think the main differences between my first and second pieces of writing are that I am now not using he or his for the first word for a sentence and I am saturating my sentences with more descriptions.

Big Bad

Big Bad

Lurking in the shadows is a big, black-hearted, monsterous wolf.
His coat is a glossy black. Above his long nose is a pair of firey red eyes 
that gleam when a human walks past. Ears prick up from his dreadful hairy head when a feast wanders past.

He sneaks around like a ninja, not leaving a scent behind him.
When you think you have seen something out of the corner of your eye - but 
when you look you actually see nothing - that's The Big bad Wolf.

Crawling through the bushes,  scraping and sharpening his claws, a demonic, evil grin spreads along his dark cruel face.

Bushy eyebrows look like black rims around his horrid evil eyes. His teeth drip with envy after payback. His teeth are a mustard yellow, but there are stains of blood remaining from after a feast.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This is my goal I need to work on.

Pastel Art

My Art

My awesome art!

This is my art what you do is you get a piece of paper and you fold it into a triangle and cut the other bit off then you draw 4 patterns on each corner then you colour it in and blend the colours together and then do the same on the background and then you choose a colour for the background and you are done!!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Reflecting on my goal

Goal: Using a variety of strategies to help me solve problems in maths.

Mackenzie's Comment: I think my use of strategies is getting better. I know the names of a few strategies, such as place value partitioning, going back through tens, and tidy numbers. The Strategy Striver work is helping me because we are practicing the strategies a lot. That's just what I need to do.

Mrs Piters' Comment: Mackenzie, it is great to hear you talk about the Strategy Strivers we have started this term. When you talk about 'going back through tens' I feel that you really know what you are talking about. I am pleased that this has been a success. This makes me value the Strategy Striver work even more, so we will be sure to continue this. perhaps you can add more reflection about this at the end of the term.

I like your idea for writing as a new goal. I think it would be beneficial for your writing if you teased out your sentences so that you focus on just one idea, and really saturate that idea with detail. That way you drip feed information to your audience and have more control over how your writing is read.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is my photo that I am going to enter in the photo competition.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflecting on my reading

I read the story called  the goldilocks story

When I read the story I was learning to
1.explore and enjoy a humorous text find out how the author has mixed up several tales and rhymes to write a funny story identify how the author has created humour in her story 


I enjoyed that it was a different story than i expected 

I was challenged by the difficult words it comfused me 

I learned to always expect differentstorys           to help me with my future reading.

I am learning to show my understanding of a text when I am reading aloud. To help me do this I am:

·      using expression to show the level of excitement in the story
·      stopping at full stops
·      pausing at commas
·      using a different voice for different characters

Reading Sample