Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Normandale School's Production!

I really enjoyed the production because I was picked to play The character Sue.
Sue has the main part, and she was on the stage basically the whole time so I had to keep smiling!
But don't worry I couldn't help but smile!

My favourite performance was the Bob the builder. [so cute!]
My favourite moment on the stage was when I ad libbed 'where are my friends?'

It was really hard for me to remember all the lines!
But don't worry I remembered all of my lines just in time!

Just before the show I was jumping up and down, but not because I was excited I was really nervous you can ask people that were backstage I was almost jumping through the floor boards, and panic was rising up in my stomach, like a ballon losing its air!

It was quite difficult to get in and out of my costume. Luckily I had some awesome help from Mrs Peglar  [the pianist].  She was starting lots of conversations before the show started to keep my mind off me thinking I would forget my lines and muck up!

Sharon [Terran's mum] was also a lot of help telling me I would do fine!

Altogether Normandale School's Tiki Tour production turned out SUCCESS!

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the staff, and other parents giving up their time to come and help with the props we wouldn't have done it without you!

And Mrs Piters for writing the script and staying up after hours to write it so THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job. I know how hard you worked to master your lines. I was very impressed with your ability to help others with their parts too. Fromy your very proud Mother:)
