Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Fable

Puppy and the Swan
Puppy and Swan were very good friends.

One morning as the Sun was rising, Swan glided  into school.
‘Lion!’ she yelled. Lion ran up to Swan.
‘Hi Swan, I heard that you’re handing out your party invitations!’
‘Well you heard correct!’ said Swan. “And speaking of invitations, here you go!’
And she handed Lion an invitation.
“Oh thank you!’
And she ran away to put it in her bag.
Swan also gave one to Seal, Cheater,Dolphin, and Pussycat.
‘Thank you!’ they chorused.
Finally the bell went. When they were all sitting down in their seats, Puppy saw that Lion had an invitation for Swan’s Party.
Puppy waited expectantly.
Finally Swan turned to Puppy.
“Puppy,I’m very sorry but Mum said I was only allowed to invite 5 people, I’m very sorry and I do hope you understand.”
Puppy’s face drooped.
“Yeah,”muttered Puppy “I understand.”
“Great!” exclaimed Swan “well maybe not for you but uh, maybe next year?”
“Maybe, but uh I couldn’t go anyway because I have soccer practice.”explained Puppy.
“Oh,” replied Swan.

Puppy managed to hold back the tears all day.
But when Puppy got home he wept.

Morral: Don’t pretend you can’t do something when you really can!

By Mackenzie

Mackenzie CAMPBELL
11:28 AM Today
Thanks for the awesome comments guys!
you have really helped.
Madison GIBSON
no problem

11:42 AM Today
Madison GIBSON
11:42 AM Today
Selected text:
another good word. you are really good at using your brain to think up really interesting and awesome words
Madison GIBSON
11:39 AM Today
Selected text:
good word

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My class

This is room 8 2013

And below is me and my friend Megan

L and P

Today cayla and I did a project on the L and P bottle